Hello everyone! A lot has happened since I last updated everything. Layla has broken her first set of molers and three other teeth finally! The bad thing about it was that she did it all at the same time and we hardly notice it until she half way done. She is getting bigger and learning more words which is helping us figure out what she wants, almost. Her hair is also growing!!! I'm hoping that when she is 2 that I can actually do something with her hair. Aaron is keeping busy with school since he only has five weeks left for the semester. He doing very well on his reaserch which is working right and hopefully he will get his work published. We hope all is well with everyone and know that we love you.

When we went and visited Aaron's family Layla decided that rather than doing dishes that we should play in the bubbles. Now everytime I fill up the sink, she thinks that she should get in.

Layla getting caught with her hand in the bubbles instead of the cookie jar.

Aaron's parents dusted off the old playground that has gone down to every grandchild. Layla was so excited to go down the slide that she hardly let us put it together.

Layla was wanting to cook with her daddy so he gave her my strainer. She then gathered all of her pacifiers and decided to make soup with them and stir it all up with her spoon, like her dad. She did this for the whole night and wasn't happy when I put it away so that she could go to bed.

Layla has figured out where her belly button is and is proudly shows it off for the whole world to see.